Monday 2 April 2012

It all began, last June. I had returned from a vacation, for which I had  purchased a DSLR, to capture some fine moments in time. I was a beginner at photography and would have tucked the camera case and all, safely in the cupboard to wait for the right occasions, maybe a family get-together, a relatives wedding or some such occasion. But then, suddenly one fine rainy day in June, I looked out of the window and there in the foliage of the bread-fruit tree I saw this little bird and in a jiffy pulled out the DSLR. What followed, was an amazing journey, into the world of our featured friends.

I am amazed at the fact that most of us have not noticed these birds, in our busy schedules. The first bird I clicked was the Magpie Robin. The Male has this striking  Black & White combination.

The female is Black and Grey.

As days went by my curiosity grew leaps and bounds. A little shake of a leaf or a little sound among the trees would get my attention and off-course the camera too.

Here is the beautiful, busy & tiny Taylor Bird. Well, it is very common and one of the easiest ones to spot. Like I said its so strange that I had not noticed it in so many years. "What is this life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare.

The Taylor bird, seems to enjoy hopping from one shrub to another or between potted plants in the veranda. For its size it creates quite a bit of ruckus, I must add.

These birds have adapted to urbanisation and seem to be very comfortable sharing property with the human species.

And now for the most interesting piece. One evening I saw this bird, which looked like a crow, but has brown wings. A very shy bird indeed. So out came the camera, and the amateur photography was all ready. I had several failed attempts and blurred images that didn't give a good feeling about my new found passion of photography.

Then one fine day, my 12 year old daughter said, " Dad, Do you want to click a good photograph of that bird, you have been chasing. It will be by the window at 4.30 in this afternoon. Its my friend now, and I feed it biscuits." I thought she was taking me for a ride. But she insisted and so I waited.

Would you believe it. There it was. Just as she said. I got some great pictures. Here is one of them.
This is the Pheasant Crow. A very shy bird indeed. It seems to enjoy walking and hopping rather than flying. 

All these birds seem to have a fixed schedule, while they go about doing their daily business. But guess what no wrist watches.